Lactation Services

Prenatal Visit (Home | Office | Virtual)
Review history and identify any risk factors
Discuss what to expect with a newborn
How to build and maintain a good supply
Latch and Positioning Basics
Common Challenges
Personalized plan to match YOUR goals
Initial Postpartum Visit (Home | Office)
Review history and any current issues
Weighted feeding session, to see how much baby is getting at the breast
Assess pumping and flange size
Oral exam for the baby, breast exam for mom, as needed
Personalized plan to match YOUR goals
Tips on what to expect moving forward
Follow up Postpartum Visit (Home | Office | Virtual)
- Follow up on previous care plan
- Weighted feeding session, to see how much baby is getting at the breast
- Assess pumping and flange size
- Oral exam for the baby, breast exam for mom, as needed
- Personalized plan to match YOUR goals
- Tips on what to expect moving forward
- Can also focus on bottle refusal, back to work planning or starting solids
Concierge Home Visit (Established Clients Only)
- Full day of lactation support (6-7 hrs.)
- Observe and assist with a full day of feeding
- Learn how to manage the flow of the day in between feeding sessions
- Troubleshoot feeding as setbacks arise
- Personalized plan to match YOUR goals