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Bethany Bond, RDN, IBCLC

Lactation Consultant



Hello! I am so happy to meet you. A little about myself.

I have always been passionate about helping others. Helping people reach THEIR goals. 

At first I thought I could best do this through nutrition. I spent five years of my life becoming a Registered Dietician. I was so discouraged with all of the sick and struggling people with PREVENTABLE diseases and syndromes, I wanted to be a part of the solution. It became clear to me the best way to set people up with a healthy life is helping with them the best start - being breastfed! 


​This wasn't a new concept to me. My mother was the first person in our family, the first in three generations, to breastfeeding her baby.

She did her research and committed to breastfeeding my brother even though she had very little support (little did she know, I had a tongue tie!).

I grew up hearing about the "benefits" of breastfeeding when it came to gut health, decreased breast cancer rates, higher IQ, decreased autoimmune risks, etc. She also talked about how breastfeeding was one of her favorite experiences of her life. Even though my mom was able to breastfeed, she struggled more than she should have. If my tongue tie was just a little shorter, she would not have been able to be successful. My goal is to be the person my mom never had. 

Being raised by someone who was passionate about breastfeeding, and always LOVING babies. I have always loved babies and it was an easy transition. 

Mary-Melissa Webster, LEC

Lactation Education Counselor/Business Manager

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Hi, I’m Mary Melissa!


I live in Fort Worth, TX. I love to cook and I’m starting to dabble in homesteading with things like making sourdough from scratch. I graduated from ACU with a marketing degree, which initially led me on a path to event planning. I’ve been doing events for the last eight years and once I had my daughter, I decided to switch courses and become an IBCLC. For two years I’ve been in school to get my certification to do what I was meant to do.

In that time, I also started a virtual assistant business to supplement and to help other women in this field succeed with their own businesses. I’m so excited now to be able to love on mamas and help them learn in a season when things can be challenging. I’m expecting to take my IBCLC exam this September and by January 2025, my goal is to start working as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I currently help moms as a Lactation Education Counselor. 

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